Progressives being progressive in the after Trump assassination attempt

Good day all. If you watched the coverage of the assassination attempt Saturday, once it was known that President Trump wasn’t seriously hurt, you saw the crowd there basically turn their anger on the Progressives, Liberals and Democrats for their repeated attacks on President Trump.

This goes back to 2016 when then candidate Trump was moving up in the polls against the Obama Heir Apparent, Felonia von Pantsuit, aka Hillary Clinton. When President Trump won the election, the left went into shock and full on attack mode. I don’t need to go over everything the Democrats and Deep State Never Trump RINO’s tried, we all know.

However, you also had people like Mad Maxine Waters literally calling for acts of violence against people working for President Trump and those who support him. Things continued to ramp up until we had the Summer of Fiery Love in 2020 along with the Great Panicdemic.

After the Tainted Election of 2020, things really took off as the Democrats took control. They promptly weaponized the DoJ and have been going after anyone who dared protest the Democrat narratives. You also had groups like Antifa and the Black Communist Lives Only Matter groups physically attacking conservatives and Trump supporters.

As the 2024 election season began and it became obvious that President Trump was going to be the nominee, the attacks against him went over the top. This culminated in the kangaroo court in New York where he was railroaded by a corrupt judge. There was just one problem with all these attempts to “Get Trump!” They have failed.

Every time something negative in court happened, people would look at it and realize that the cases were flat out garbage. They also understood that if they were going after the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, who is a literal billionaire, what chance did the average person have. More and more people started bailing on the Democrats and moving to President Trump and the Republicans. This had the effect of driving the Progressive Liberal Democrats even further over the edge.

For the last few months, especially as people were moving towards President Trump and the Republicans, the Democrats went completely off their collectivist rockers. This lead the Leftists to start calling President Trump a dictator and worse then Hitler. I’ve written several posts on Liberals all claiming that President Trump was going to have them and all his enemies arrested and shipped to black sites and disappeared.

The level of attacks and hatred directed toward President Trump went right to level 12. This caused a few people to say that since everything the Democrats had tried to “Get Trump!” to start worrying that the Democrats next attack against President Trump would be a violent one. That led to the attempted assassination on Saturday, July 13th.

Almost immediately after the attempt on President Trump’s life, the “Usual suspects” on Socialist media and the MSM started making fools of themselves. You had some saying it was a false flag operation and that it was all planned by the Republicans. Others said that the criminal should have practiced more. One of these morons was a staffer for Representative Bennie Thompson. Here are a few details on this from Fox News:

A staff member of Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson is “no longer” in the congressman’s employment after allegedly posting “don’t miss next time,” after the apparent assassination attempt on former President Trump on Saturday evening.

“I was made aware of a post made by a staff member and she is no longer in my employment,” Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson said in a statement.

Sadly, this idiot isn’t the only one. I just saw a Youtube video of a group called Tenacious D touring in Australia. One of the members had a birthday and his wish was “Don’t miss next time.” We also have the initial responses by the Democrat Propaganda Corps in the aftermath of the shooting. The Lame Stream Media, with the exceptions of Newsmax and Fox News, pretty much denied there had been an assassination attempt on President Trump.

Later on you had ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and Martha Radditz pretty much blaming all this in President Trump. Hollywood in most cases has continued with their stupidity with Mark Hamill making a complete ass of himself. These moonbats are continuing with their insanity not understanding what could have happened.

To be blunt, it wasn’t President Donald Trump who dodged a bullet Saturday, July 13th, It was the Progressive Liberal Leftists. When President Trump did his fist pump, it did two things. It showed all his supporters that he was OK. It also probably stopped the Second American Civil War from starting.

If that criminal has succeeded and murdered the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, there would have been no stopping what would have come next. Without question, within a few days, especially with the Leftists no doubt crowing in joy over President Trump’s assassination, the guns would have come out. The bloodbath that would have followed would have killed millions, almost all of them these idiots.

It would also mean the end of the United States as we know it. The Democrat Party is responsible for this state of affairs. They have been calling for outright violence against anyone who doesn’t toe the Progressive line and supports President Trump and the idea of Making America Great Again. You have people like Mad Maxine Waters actually calling for attacks against Trump supporters. This HAS to stop and stop now. The alternative will make the last Civil War look like a minor disagreement.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Progressives being progressive in the after Trump assassination attempt

  1. Pissed Seabee says:

    They picked a fight they won’t know how to handle.

    A fight with police, combat vets and yes firefighters.

    The Giant is fully awake!!!


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