Looks like the Harris/Walz honeymoon might be coming to an end

Good day all. Since Kackling Kamala Harris carried out her successful putsch against Dementia Joe Biden and was named the new Democrat Nominee, the Democrat Propaganda Corps have been falling over themselves to lick her feet.

When she chose one of the worst governors in the nation, Minnesota Govno Tampon Tim Walz as her running mate, the DPC couldn’t wait to tell the world that President Trump and J.D. Vance should just give up now and bend a knee to Harris.

Then the past reared it’s ugly head. We’ve known that Harris slept her way to where she is now and that she has been an utter failure at everything she was tasked to do in the Biden Maladministration. Tampon Tim Walz isn’t that well known, and at first the MSM worked to keep it that way.

Then the Swift Boating began against Walz. Most people, myself included, weren’t aware that Walz had spent 20+ years in the Minnesota National Guard. He deployed with his unit once, to the war torn region known as Italy. (Hey, all that antipasto is dangerous don’t you know) Then he found out that his unit was going to be sent to Iraq, and he promptly deserted retired.

There was just one problem, He had taken a promotion to Command Sargent Major with the understanding that he would serve another two years and complete a school for people with that rank. Instead, Walz bravely ran away and left his unit in a lurch. To top this off, he had been lying about his rank and claiming that he had deployed to a war zone. This is when his former unit’s members began swift boating him.

The Democrat Propaganda Corps continued trying to cover things up, but Kackling Kamala decided to release her inner communist and announce her “Economic plan to be done on Day One. Her first “Plan” was to institute price controls on food, since that worked so well in the Soviet Union. Then last Friday she released her full Plan. Economists on both sides of the political aisle took a look at it and went “What they Hell is she smoking?” Now the MSM is slowly, every so slightly, beginning to turn on her. Here are the details from Fox News:

The media adulation for Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign may still be strong in general, but several major liberal outlets haven’t been able to stomach her latest economic policy proposal.

Harris announced Wednesday that she would institute a “federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries” as president in an attempt to stop “big corporations” from taking advantage of consumers, and outlets like the Washington Post, CNN, and Newsweek published reports shredding the idea.

“Whether the Harris proposal wins over voters remains to be seen, but if sound economic analysis still matters, it won’t,” the liberal-leaning Washington Post editorial board wrote on Friday.

Harris’s plan is straight out of the Soviet Central Planning Committee. She intends to tell companies what they can charge. If they don’t like it, off to the gulags with them!

If enacted, the Harris campaign’s proposal would give authority to the Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general to impose harsh penalties on companies for setting excessively high prices.

“There’s a big difference between fair pricing in competitive markets and excessive prices unrelated to the costs of doing business,” the Harris campaign said in a statement. “Americans can see that difference in their grocery bills.”

How would she know? She’s never run a business in her life. Well being a self employed prostitute might count. What I know, since I’ve seen this before, is it will fail and fail badly. Grocery stores won’t be able to buy product because they will be bankrupt. That means grocery stores closing their doors and other with real shortages. Congratulations Komrade Kamala, you have just brought starvation to the United States.

The Post’s editorial board took Harris to task on the idea, stating it’s not even clear what her plan is. “Ms. Harris says she’ll target companies that make ‘excessive’ profits, whatever that means.” It also expressed relief that the plan was getting pummeled out of the gate.

“Thankfully, this gambit by Ms. Harris has been met with almost instant skepticism, with many critics citing President Richard M. Nixon’s failed price controls from the 1970s.”

I’m actually shocked that the Washington Compost is hammering Harris like this. They are the poster child for failure and incompetence. They’re also the biggest cheerleaders out there for anything that smacks of socialism in the United States.

In a scathing piece published Friday, the Post editorial board accused Harris of being “less forthright” with voters about the reasons why prices remain high despite the cooling rate of inflation by “blaming big business.”

“Ms. Harris says she’ll target companies that make ‘excessive’ profits, whatever that means,” the editorial board scoffed. “Thankfully, this gambit by Ms. Harris has been met with almost instant skepticism, with many critics citing President Richard M. Nixon’s failed price controls from the 1970s. Whether the Harris proposal wins over voters remains to be seen, but if sound economic analysis still matters, it won’t.”

I was very young back then, (Yes I’m dating myself), but I remember my parents dealing with shortages, rationing and actual black market dealings to get the things they needed. Between Nixon, Ford and Carter the United States became economically stagnated. Carter made a start at deregulating the energy sector, (And he did deregulate the airline industry), but it was Ronald Reagan who came in and broke the back on the regulatory fascist state. It took almost 30 years for successive presidents to undo all the work Reagan did.

A prominent Washington Post opinion columnist was even harsher on Harris’ price control proposal this week. Columnist Catherine Rampell wrote on Thursday, “It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food.”

In other words, Socialism with the first steps to outright Communism with all the tyranny that brings. Slave labor, (Which the Democrats have always supported since they are the party of slavery). Gulags, or as they will be called here, DHS/FEMA Centers of Reeducation, and of course, rationing, starvation, and economic collapse.

Rampell added that it flies in the face of free market economics, adding that “Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.”

I have a suspicion that if this were actually implemented under the Harris/Walz tyranny, you would see widespread rejection and the flat out ignoring of the diktats coming from Washington. Granted, the Blue States would happily jump on the bandwagon, (Or into the clown car as the case may be), but the Red States would probably refuse and potentially begin the National Divorce proceedings.

The columnist also said the policy gives credence to those saying Harris has “Communist” political leanings. “If your opponent claims you’re a ‘communist,’ maybe don’t start with an economic agenda that can (accurately) be labeled as federal price controls,” she wrote.

Apparently, someone got to Catherine Rampell for going off the Progressive reservation.

A day later, Rampell reversed her condemnation of the proposal after watching Harris’ speech about her economic plans. In an X post, the columnist wrote, “Yes there was still some silliness in her speech, but her comments on prices were more toned down than campaign factsheet sent to reporters (punishing companies that raise prices above their costs etc). A generic call to increase antitrust enforcement is fine and I support it.”

The list of Main Stream Media/Democrat Propaganda Corps organizations that blasted the Harris/Walz “Economic Plan” is lengthy, going from CNN to Newsweek to the Washington Compost to the New York Slimes. Considering that a week ago they were basically tongue bathing Harris and burying Walz’s military record, that they are blowing holes in “The Plan” is remarkable. As for the response from the Kackling Kamala Kampaign? It was what you would expect.

When asked for comment, the Harris campaign provided Fox News Digital with a statement detailing all the support the vice president has received for her economic policy proposals. “In reaction to the proposals, Democratic leaders, economists, and analysts have praised her plans to build up the middle class and ensure that hard working Americans have an opportunity not just to get by, but get ahead.”

It provided quotes from media figures like CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer and Democratic lawmakers like Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., praising Harris’ economic plans.

“The vice president is proposing tax cuts for lower and middle-class Americans, and she’s cracking down on price gouging. Meantime, Trump is proposing more tax cuts for the rich and the very, very rich and praising Elon Musk for firing workers who are on strike,” Blitzer said during a recent episode of “CNN Newsroom.”

If that Moonbat Blitzer thinks that Harris has any intention of tax cuts for anyone, I have a bridge in New York you might be interested in.

“She’s going to be talking today about ways that prescription drug prices are coming down, that incentives will be offered for first-time homebuyers, that there will be an effort to combat price gouging at grocery stores. There’s a whole series of specific and concrete middle-class tax benefits and federal actions that would address the everyday economic concerns of 100 million working Americans,” Coons said during an appearance on “CNN’s News Central.”

I’m not at all surprised by Coons response. He has never held a job where he had to make actual business decisions and deal with costs. His one stint that I can find in the Dreaded Private Sector was as In House Counsel for a company. Basically he read contracts and confirmed they said what everyone assumed they said. Other then that, he’s been in government with his snout firmly planted in the taxpayer’s wallet. In other words, he’s just another Deep State Socialist Totalitarian who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else.

The DNC convention is this week. Since the “Fix was in” a few weeks ago, it’s basically meaningless. Even so, the DNC is working overtime to keep any potential renegade delegates either under control or out of the convention all together. It will be interesting to see if this so called plan is brought up and added to the Democrat Party platform. I’m kind of hoping they are that stupid. We shall see of course.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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