Surprising no one, IRS union backs Comrade Harris and Tampon Tim

Good day all. I so love it when events move faster then my posting ability. I have a few items in my queue, such as this. One of the things that the Worst President* in American History, the senile crook Joe Biden, did was push through a massive increase in the budget for the Infernal Revenue Service. The goal was to hire another 80,000 more revenuers to harass American citizens.

Since the Biden-Harris maladministration provided a major kickback to the IRS Union, they have decided to return the favor. Here are the details from Fox News:

Social media users warned that a major IRS-affiliated union’s recent endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris is a serious red flag.

The National Treasury Employees Union, a union that represents various federal agents – including those of the Internal Revenue Service – put out a statement this week praising Harris for increasing the IRS’ budget and endorsing her for president. X users saw it as more proof she should get nowhere near the White House.

This is just one of thousands of reasons that Kackling Kamala shouldn’t be allowed anywhere outside of the Mustang Ranch.

The NTEU explained its reason for endorsing Harris in a Wednesday press release, stating that the Biden/Harris administration “also delivered agency budgets that provide federal employees with additional staffing and resources, including significant new investments to rebuild the IRS under the Inflation Reduction Act.”

So the Union is admitting that this is a kickback to the Democrats. That joke called the Inflation Reduction Act, when it was being rammed through by Schumer and Pelosi, was ripped apart by real experts as a waste of money, totally unnecessary and potentially inflation causing. The section regarding the hiring of 80K IRS agents was seen by most people for what it was. A threat towards Americans who don’t pay tribute to the Democrat Party.

NTEU National President Doreen Greenwald was quoted in the statement, saying, “When it comes to treating federal employees with respect, valuing their service and investing in their work, Kamala Harris is the clear choice. She shares our values and our commitment to making sure that the federal government works for all Americans.”

For every bureaucrat who actually believes they are working to make things better for America, you have a thousand who are in it for themselves, (It’s almost impossible to fire a bureaucrat), or who like lording it over the American people/businesses. As for that one bureaucrat who is actually trying to do the right thing? They are ground down by the rest in very short order.

One of the greatest mistakes of the JFK administration was allowing federal employees to unionize. Even FDR knew what a bad idea that was. Now the Democrats use the government unions as a piggybank for the party. For anyone else, this would be seen as money laundering. Democrats tax Americans, The IRS enforces the Democrats taxes, the money pays the bureaucrats who have to be part of the union in order to be a bureaucrat and then the union donates millions to the Democrats.

Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz warned of the Biden-Harris administration’s further plans to expand the IRS, writing in a September Fox News op-ed, “Now, the Biden-Harris administration’s 2025 budget proposal calls for an additional $104 billion for the IRS. That’s eight times the annual budget, just two years after Congress appropriated an amount that was seven times the agency’s annual budget. What is going on here?”

I wasn’t aware of that budget proposal. I can’t say I’m surprised. Biden has never met a tax on others he didn’t support. It looks like the Democrats intend to turn the IRS into a full blown secret police force with the ability to impoverish the Democrat declared “Enemies of the State.”

X users saw the IRS endorsement as a bad sign. Conservative digital strategist Greg Price wrote, “If the IRS, the FBI, Wall Street, Iran, Putin, the military industrial complex, the New York Times, Iran, 100 former McCain interns, and Dick Cheney all want one candidate to win then, for the love of God, vote for the other one.”

This list of people commenting on how bad an idea this is, is rather extensive. What Mr. Price posted on TwitterX also forgot to add George W. Bush, who is also endorsing the Communists Democrats over President Trump. That should tell you how bad things were in the Republican Party up until recently.

After President Reagan stepped down after two successful terms, which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, George H.W. Bush was elected and promptly stabbed Reagan and his supporters in the back. Who can forget his promise on taxes?

I won’t bother going over all the presidents since Reagan and Bush I and how all but one screwed over the American People. Every single one, again with one very notable exception, has handed more and more power to the Deep State Bureaucrats. Thanks to the Supreme Court and their setting fire to the Chevron Deference, the Bureaucracy has been hit where it hurts.

Now the Democrats and the Deep State are shoveling more money to the one agency that most Americans would like to nuke from orbit. As a thank you to the Democrats, the IRS Union is now shoveling money back to the Democrats and will supply “Voluntold” union members to campaign for Harris.

In my opinion, if things go as we generally hope and President Trump is returned to office and the GOP takes full control of both houses of congress, they should move to break the unions. It will take legislation of course. Bureaucrats should be forced to choose. Be a member of a union or have Civil Service protection. They can’t have both. As for the Infernal Revenue Service? Cancel these budget increases and provide only the amount needed to do the job. Those 80K new employees? Cancel the job openings and start lay offs.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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