Liz Cheney formally joins the Democrats, will campaign for Harris

Good day all. Former Representative Elizabeth Cheney was voted out of office last year when she lost her primary in Wyoming by one of the largest margins ever. Prior to that, she was part of the GOP House leadership team with a chance at being the leader and potentially the Speaker of the House. Then she threw it all away

When the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump destroyed the preferred GOP Establishment choice, Jeb! “Please clap” Bush in the 2016 primaries and then went on to crush Felonia von Pantsuit in the General Election, it drove the GOP(e) quite literally insane. Then President Trump did something unheard of. He actually worked to keep his campaign promises. That was it for the Deep State Uniparty and they began mounting a full blown coup against President Trump.

I don’t need to review all the things they accused President Trump of, it’s been covered extensively by myself and many others. However, one of the last attempts to “Get Trump!” was the so called January 6th Select committee. Anyone who even slightly supported President Trump saw it for what it was. A hit job on Donald Trump and anyone who supported him.

By this point, Liz Cheney had gone so far off the deep end in her hatred of President Trump and his supporters that she was removed from all her leadership positions and relegated to the so called “back bench.” She was picked, in a direct slap to the GOP house leadership, by Pelosi to be part of the J6 Kangaroo Committee.

When the GOP took over the House in 2023, they started reviewing the actions by the J6 committee. While the Democrat Propaganda Corps, aka the Main Stream Media tried to bury the news, it’s come out that Cheney destroyed records, hid exculpatory information and basically lied through her teeth.

Once she was out of office, Cheney, instead of sinking into well deserved obscurity, continued her hatefest towards President Trump and pretty much the entire Republican base. Now she has finally jumped the shark and has, along with her crooked old man, Dick, come out and announced that she is supporting Kamala Harris and the Democrats. Here are the details from Newsmax:

Liz Cheney, one of Donald Trump’s fiercest Republican antagonists, will join Democrat Kamala Harris at a campaign event in Wisconsin on Thursday aimed at reaching out to moderate voters and rattling the former president.

Now the Newsmax story isn’t by one of their staff reporters. It was licensed from the Associated with terrorists Press. This is why they constantly refer to Cheney as a “Top Republican” throughout the story.

Cheney was the top Republican on the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the capitol, earning Trump’s disdain and effectively exiling herself from her own party.

I already wrote about why Cheney was kicked to the curb above. She flat out worked with the Democrats to rig the entire investigation.

Cheney lost her Wyoming seat to a Trump-endorsed candidate two years ago and she endorsed Harris, the Democratic nominee, last month. The two women will appear together in a historic white schoolhouse in Ripon, where a series of meetings held in 1854 to oppose slavery’s expansion led to the birth of the Republican Party.

Perhaps Associated with terrorist Press might want to mention that Cheney lost by 37 points to Harriet Hageman, which was one of the worst drubbings for an incumbent in a primary in history. It wouldn’t matter if Hageman was endorsed by President Trump or not. Cheney not only burned all her bridges, she salted the ground with radioactive waste. As soon as Cheney knew she was out, she left Wyoming. Rumors that it was just one step ahead of a lynch mob are unfounded.

Harris’ visit to Wisconsin comes one day after a federal judge unsealed a 165-page court filing outlining prosecutors’ case against Trump for his attempt to overturn his 2020 election defeat. Trump has pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiracy and obstruction.

That is another story. This is another attempt by Jack Smith to interfere with the election. Lawyers who have looked at that on both sides of the political aisle are saying that Smith as finally crossed a major line. (Chutkan isn’t far behind in my opinion) the odds are that Smith may find himself in cuffs next year.

The Cheney name was once anathema to Democrats who deplored Dick Cheney, Liz’s father, for his role as vice president under George W. Bush.

The Democrats didn’t deplore Cheney, they flat out hated him. Now the Bush/Cheney wing of the Republican Party has decided that they will do anything to prevent President Trump and his supporters from winning, so now they’re backing Harris and the Democrats. They literally don’t care that the Democrats are working to end the Republic and institute a Communist Totalitarian state.

But now both Cheneys are backing Harris, part of a cadre of current and former Republican officials who have broken with the vast majority of their party, which remains in Trump’s corner.

These are all the TransNational Globalist Neocons. They don’t actually support the United States or the Constitution. They just like endless wars and nation building, especially if they’re the ones getting the tax dollars to rebuild the infrastructure they just arranged to blow up.

Harris wants to portray her candidacy as a patriotic choice for independent and conservative voters who were disturbed by Trump’s unwillingness to cede power. Trump continues to deny his defeat with false claims of voter fraud.

As I said, Associated with terrorist Press wrote this story and they will not hesitate to provide cover for the Democrats. (And Terrorists) They are also ignoring all the evidence that has been coming out regarding election fraud both in 2020 and 2022.

Now Harris, thinking that the Cheney’s actually have any influence in the Republican Party. Praised them for backing her candidacy. Here are those details from CBS News:

“Liz Cheney really is a leader who puts country above party and above self, a true patriot,” Harris told the crowd. “And it is my profound honor to have your support. You and I also want to thank your father, Vice President Dick Cheney, for his support and what he has done to serve our country. ”

The reality is rather different. The Cheney’s and to some extent, the Bush’s have shown they aren’t patriots. If they were, they would be arguing against what the Democrats have been doing for the last four years. The simple fact is, the Neocons are just Democrats who like sending American troops into countries that we really don’t have any real interest in.

“As a conservative, as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this. And because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris,” Cheney announced last month during an event at Duke University.

Cheney could not care less about the Constitution of the United States. The information of all the things she did on the J6 Committee would have, if she were still in the House, had her expelled. It isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that Cheney and the others on the J6 committee might have actually committed crimes. I think this may be one of the reasons she’s hoping that Harris wins. She and the others on that committee need a pardon and can’t rely on the Dementia patient to sign them.

Liz Cheney should do us all a favor and leave the country. She may very well do so if the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, wind the election. Not because she will be one of those who are saying “If Trump wins, I’m leaving the country!” and never do, but because she is terrified that the new Attorney General, as he cleans out the rot in the DoJ, decides to look closely into the J6 committee. Frankly, she shouldn’t wait. Lizard Cheney should avoid the rush starting on November 6th and leave now.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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