Category Archives: Jobs

Health Insurance more expensive then ever

Good day all. Remember the lies told by Obama, Pelosi and Reid when they shoved Obamacare down the throats of Americans? They were numerous, but one that stood out was the claim that people would save $2500 a year.

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Marco Rubio calls it a day

Good day all. Yesterday we had another series of Primaries and this morning we have the latest GOP(e) candidate “Suspending his campaign.” Marco Rubio has exited stage right and left the building.

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GOP(e) Donors looking at independent candidate

Good day all. Back when George W. Bush was president, we had something called “Bush Derangement Syndrome.” This was basically an unreasoning hatred of G.W. Bush and everything he stood for. Now we’re seeing a new variant of this mental … Continue reading

Posted in Jobs, Just Desserts, News of the Day, The Good Idea Fairy, Wacko Bird | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Iowa results

Good day all. The Iowa caucus has been completed. The votes are in and the pundits are discussing what happened. I figured I should as well.

Posted in Jobs, Just Desserts, Moonbat, News of the Day, Precious Snowflakes, Wacko Bird | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment