Democrat Debate Part II

Good day all. Last night, the second group of clowns known as Democrat Contenders for the Nomination showed up and started boring the Hell out of everyone.

Since I chose not to be bored, I didn’t watch this one either. I have been reading up on the reviews from people who did consume mass quantities of No-Doze, and have come to the following conclusions.

First, they basically reinforced everything that was said in Part I.

Former Vice President Biden looked old and tired and was apparently eyeing Kamala Harris. He managed to show some restraint and didn’t fondle her or drop his pants. Harris, on the other hand, kept her favorite pair of knee pads off camera, but was ready to go if needed.

Bernie Sanders was Bernie Sanders. Communism for all and I will be a great Party Secretary for life. The only thing he didn’t do was start singing a rendition of “The Internationale.” They all promised open borders, welfare for all, Government control of all aspects of American life and that all 7 billion people who are not American Citizens will have their healthcare needs paid for by the American taxpayers.

I fully expect that half the current crop of krazy kommunist klowns will be dropping out in the next month or so. The ones left will then move to the left of Karl Marx, Vladmir Lenin, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse Tung. Whoever the nominee is that runs against President Trump is going to be hammered. Their plans and the party platform will consist of retroactive abortions, government control of business, tax rates at 110%.

President Trump has to ask one question of the voters. Are you better off now then when you were under Obama’s thumb? In most cases, the honest answer is yes. The Democrats are well on their way to total self destruction as a political party. If they are blown out as badly as I hope, I expect that the current leadership will be ousted and replaced. Failing that, the party may just break apart into new parties. One can only hope.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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