Fake President waives ethics rules for Union bosses

Good day all. There are two words that should never be used in the same sentence. Joe Biden and Ethics. Dementia Joe has always been one of the most unethical political hacks in Congress, and he is continuing this in the White House as the Fake President.

One of the things that Dementia Joe’s progressive totalitarian handlers are doing is working with their union paymasters to screw over the American workers. For the last 4 decades, union membership not affiliated with government employment has all but collapsed. People look at what unions have to offer and decide that they can do better on their own. (Which they generally can)

Since the collapse of the private sector unions is costing the Democratic CommuNazis their kickbacks political contributions, they are willing to do whatever it takes to keep that money rolling in. Here are the details of their latest scam from Fox News:

The Biden administration has come under scrutiny from Republicans on Capitol Hill following its decision to circumvent federal ethics rules and staff former union officials in senior posts.

Silly Republicans, don’t they know that only they are required to follow ethics laws and guidelines? After all, as for as progressive liberal Democrats are concerned, ethics are for the little people, and Republicans.

Beginning as early as March, the White House waived certain rules for former labor union personnel slotted to fill Biden’s transition teams and government vacancies, who would have otherwise been prevented from communicating with their old unions.

Senior official in the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Alethea Predeoux, was granted a waiver to allow her to facilitate communication between the government agency and the American Federation of Government Employees – a union representing 700,000 federal workers for whom she was formally a top lobbyist, Axios first reported.

Oh I am sure there is absolutely no problem here, besides it’s just a one off, right?

In April, the White House issued a similar waiver, allowing for Celeste Drake, who was tapped to lead the White House Made In America Office, to communicate with her former employers, the Director’s Guild of America and the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).

Nope, it wasn’t. Of course, the Maladministration claims that these were needed waivers and for really good reasons.

The administration has said these are necessary moves to facilitate liaisons between government agencies and labor unions.

I think they mean to allow the Unions to run the agencies.

In a statement to Fox News on Saturday, National Republican Senatorial Committee spokeswoman Katharine Cooksey said, “The pattern of corruption between Democrats and big union bosses is obvious – just follow the money and follow the staff.” 

Of course the real reason is to give the Unions direct access to the treasury so they can launder the bribes they pay to Democrats have the resources to aid the working class. And if you believe that, I have a bridge you might be interested in buying in San Francisco.

Biden pledged from the campaign trail to bolster unions across the US – a move that Republicans believe has made the administration overly beholden to them.

Beholding to them? Try wholly owned by the Unions.

Reporting by the New York Post last week found that the nation’s second-largest teachers’ union, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), regularly communicated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on school reopening guidelines.

I have that story on my “To do” list. You won’t be happy with the teachers unions, you can be certain of that.

Correspondence obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request found the AFT had a direct influence on language implemented in the CDC’s February safety guidance for in-person instruction.

Basically, the union told the CDC what the guidelines should be, and they said “Sure! No Problem!”

The CDC had originally prepared guidelines that allowed in-school instruction regardless of transmission rates. But at the suggestion of the union, the language was adjusted to include a provision that granted remote work for those “who have a household member” or “who have documented high-risk conditions or who are at increased risk.”

This was huge load of horse manure. Basically the Unions wanted to get their members paid with no actual work being done. To say that parents were angry would be an understatement.

Frustrated parents and city officials nationwide have launched lawsuits and accused teachers’ unions of utilizing the pandemic to bargain for increased benefits by refusing to re-enter the classroom. 

I think it’s long past time to start breaking the teachers unions. It will mean a strike of course, but with careful planning, this can be handled. Basically wait until the current contract is over, then lay down the terms that will benefit the students and parents, along with rewarding the really good teachers. The union will refuse, then go on strike.

This is where the opportunity to break the union comes in to play. Simply announce that any teacher who doesn’t show up for work can stay home…permanently. They will be considered as having resigned. Then to really drive the knife in deep, start the process of decertifying the teachers who stay out. Without question there will be friendly Obama judges who will rule in favor of the unions, but this is where the hammer has to come down.

An Obama judge will issue some pro-union ruling forcing the school district, city and/or state that they will have to give the union what it wants. At this point, the city and state will have to tell the judge to stuff it. Something the courts don’t normally deal with is a flat out refusal to follow their orders by groups capable of resisting the orders. Breaking one teachers union will lead to others being broken, then it will be up to the districts to take this opportunity to improve the education of all the children. Granted, this probably won’t happen any time soon, but what they heck, I can dream can’t I Meanwhile we have the graft, bribes and payoffs by the Unions to the Democrats.

The AFT political action committee further granted more than $1.6 million in funding to Democratic congressional campaigns and committees between January and March, according to FEC filings

“Since the very first day of the Biden administration, every single Democrat has echoed the same union-approved talking points to keep schools closed and to jam a radical, job-killing agenda through Congress,” Cooksey said. “While Republicans are working to get kids back in the classrooms and the economy moving again, Democrats are taking orders from their bosses at the unions to keep schools closed and stifle job opportunities.”

There will be a reckoning between the Teachers unions and the parents. Forget about the politicians. Now this is not just about the teachers unions, it’s about all the private sector unions. As I mentioned earlier, the private sector unions are dying. Recently, Amazon faced a union vote in one of their warehouses. Now if any company needs to get bitch slapped by a union, it’s Amazon.

Even with Amazon’s notorious working conditions, the Union still lost the election and as I recall, it wasn’t even close, They’ve gone running to the Department of labor to force the union into Amazon, and since the Fake President, like all Democrats, will do whatever the Unions want, I suspect that a union will be forced on Amazon. (Followed by the warehouse being closed)

Of course it isn’t just Amazon that the Unions want control over. They want the end of state Right to Work laws. These are laws that prevent union membership as a requirement for working at a job. They also want an end to the “Gig” economy and contract workers. They got this in Kalifornistan and tens of thousands of people were out of a job overnight.

Finally, the “Holy Grail” for the unions would be mandatory membership. You WILL be in a union or you can starve. You will not be allowed to have a job. With this maladministration and the control being exerted by the Unions, look for both a ban on right to work laws and mandatory unionism. There are other little details they want like Card Check instead of a secret ballot. A Card check style election is public. You have no secret ballot, Considering that unions are generally violent, thuggish and quite willing to threaten workers, you can see why card check elections are a bad idea.

All this is why Dementia Joe and his handlers are so happy to grant waivers to their union overlords. It all boils down to “Counting the Benjamins.” Giving the unions whatever they want will insure huge payoffs to the Progressive Liberals, both in financial terms and in their goal to acquire absolute power and the end of freedom in America.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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