President Dementia looking at internal passports

Good day all. The Great Panicdemic of 2020 has been used by the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis as a means to assert absolute control of America. The greatest president of the 21st century, Donald Trump, was provided bad information, yet went full bore to try and protect and help Americans.

Then we had the “Election” of 2020 and the result being the installation of the dumbest, most incompetent president ever. There are are serious questions regarding the mental state of Joe Biden, more commonly known as Dementia Joe, or President Dementia. Many people think he isn’t actually running things, that he’s just the “Face” of a cabal of radical leftists who are working night and day turning the United States into a single party communist slave state.

They have been using the China Virus as their excuse, and have been flat out ordering people to take the experimental vaccines, whether or not they want to. They have been pushing schools and private businesses to force people to wear masks and take the vaccines. Now President Dementia is looking at forcing people to have “Vaccine Passports” to travel around the United States. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

President Joe Biden really wants Americans to get vaccinated, and after rolling out all the stops, from free beer to free Uber rides to child care, the administration has plans to penalize those that either won’t get the shot or don’t feel obligated to prove to the government or businesses that they’ve gotten the shot. The administration may consider creating vaccine requirements for interstate travel for citizens within the US.

The AP reports that “…while more severe measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed, the administration worried that they would be too polarizing for the moment.”

“That’s not to say they won’t be implemented in the future,” the AP writes, “as public opinion continues to shift toward requiring vaccinations as a means to restore normalcy.”

Public opinion means nothing when it comes to the Constitution and what these thugs are considering has already been ruled unconstitutional. This won’t stop the tyrants in Washington of course. They’re already ordering government workers to comply and are trying to get private businesses to force people to be injected as a condition of employment. What individuals want means nothing to the maladministration of President Dementia and his minders.

The Biden administration has forced many federal employees to vaccinate, and has urged US businesses to force their employees to get vaccinated as well, under penalty of losing their position or persistent COVID testing.

Oh that can’t possibly go wrong. People being threatened with loss of their livelihood do not act rationally.

The Biden administration said they would work with businesses to create a vaccine credentialing system, but has repeatedly said that there would be no federal database of vaccine recipients.

And that is a flat out lie. President Dementia is physically incapable of telling the truth and his maladministration is constantly being caught lying about everything. The simple fact is, Dementia Joe is nothing more then a figurehead for those who want to end freedom in America.

Disney, United, and Google issued vaccine mandates for their employees. More than 600 colleges and universities are requiring the vaccine as well, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.

And every single one of these organizations is run by moonbats, progressives and those who back the suppression of the constitutional rights of the American people. There are lawsuits underway, but they aren’t going well as the deep state judges refuse to actually follow the Constitution.

“We are essentially saying there are different paths you can take, but the path that you cannot take is doing nothing—that’s the one unacceptable position right now,” said deputy director of strategic communication and engagement for Biden’s COVID-19 response team Ben Wakana.

Georgetown Law took up the question of Americans’ rights to travel freely within the United States under the Trump administration at the start of the pandemic. At the time, Americans in many parts of the country were asked to “lockdown” for two week and to “slow the spread” so that when Americans got sick and ended up in the hospital, they didn’t all end up there at once, overwhelming the medical infrastructure.

And that lockdown worked so well didn’t it? People might have supported a couple of weeks, but it went on for over a year and is still ongoing in some areas. It was also a complete and utter failure, and has been shown to have been destructive to the economy and damaging to the general health and well being of the people. As for restricting people’s right to freely travel?

Meryl Chertoff, Executive Director, SALPAL writes: “The right of Americans to travel interstate in the United States has never been substantially judicially questioned or limited. In 1941, the Court declared unconstitutional California’s restriction upon the migration of the ‘Okies’—whose travails are famously documented in ‘The Grapes of Wrath.’ Justice Douglas referred to ‘the right of free movement’ as ‘a right of national citizenship,’ and the rights of the migrants were upheld under the Commerce Clause.”

Ms. Chertoff continues with some case law and concludes with this statement.

“The baseline, then, is that freedom of movement within and between states is Constitutionally protected,” Chertoff concluded.

Meanwhile, people are asking what the maladministration will do to stop the use of counterfeit vaccination cards.

Biden administration COVID spokesperson Jeff Zients was asked “Is the administration reconsidering something like a QR code, or a passport, to help verify people’s vaccination status and if not, what are you doing to stop the proliferation of fake vaccine cards?”

“There are a number of ways people can demonstrate their vaccination status,” Zeints said. “Companies and organizations and the federal government are taking different approaches, and we applaud this innovation.”

One way would be to start building the database they deny they plan on creating. Comrade Zients replied that there are many things that can be done and that it will be the private sector threatening people with job loss, homelessness and eventual starvation to ensure the forcible vaccination of people with an experimental vaccine with questionable efficacy.

But, Zients said, “There will be no federal vaccination database as with all other vaccines, the information gets held at the state and local level. Any system that is developed in the private sector or elsewhere must meet key standards, including affordability, being available both digitally and on paper, and most importantly protecting people’s privacy and security.”

Nice dodge. Get the states to build the databases. While I have no doubt the Progressive Totalitarian blue states like Kalifornistan, New York and New Jersey won’t hesitate to create them, other states flat out won’t. This means that the Maladministration will start threatening the withholding of funding to the states.

As for President Dementia, he continues lying about what is happening, either through intent or, more then likely, being told what to say by his handlers.

“And unvaccinated folks are being hospitalized and dying as a result of not being vaccinated,” the president continued, harkening back to his statement that COVID is now a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

The facts are a bit different. A lot of people who have been vaccinated are getting the China Virus. As to the hospitalizations? There are a lot of questions regarding the numbers, especially after the CDC massively overestimated the number of people who were being hospitalized in Florida.

“To the mayors, school superintendents, local leaders,” he said, “who are standing up to the governors who are politicizing mask protection for our kids, thank you, thank you as well. Thank God that we have heroes like you. And I stand with you all, and America should as well.”

What governors like Ron Desantis have said is that you can’t be coerced to wearing an ineffectual mask. If you want to, feel free. No one will stop you. The same goes for getting vaccinated with one of the experimental, and apparently not that effective, vaccines. Basically, it is, and should be, you’re choice. This is NOT what President Dementia and the Communazis want. They want mandatory everything. You will not have a choice. It will be comply or else. If you want to travel, you better have the proper documentation or you will be punished.

Soon, they will flat out out order you to get vaccinated whether you want to or not. They’ve already talked about sending out teams to check people’s status.

Dementia Joe and the Communazi party claim to represent the American People. They do not. What they are doing is no different then what King George III did, and look where that led to. If they were laying out the plot of a novel for the start of the Second American Civil War, people would laugh in disbelief. No one is laughing now.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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