Biden to Obama, “Help me Barack. I’ve really f**ked things up this time!”

Good day all. The Worst president in the history of the United States, Joe “Bumbles Dementia” Biden has been, or at least his handlers have been, watching his poll numbers collapse as people realize that yes, he really is that stupid. Now, Dementia Joe is calling on the second worst president in history to bail him out.

Barack Obama once said of Joe Biden, “Never underestimate the ability of Joe to really fuck things up.” He knew that Dementia Joe was moron, utterly incompetent and always wrong about pretty much everything. It was Biden who was against going after Osama bin Laden when we found him hiding in Pakistan. Now President Bumbles Dementia is beginning to understand that his mouth has written a check he can’t cash and he’s calling on his banker to bail him out. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Biden appears to be leaning more on his former boss as the White House comes under increased pressure to improve the nation’s economy and outlook on the future of the Democratic Party.

What Obama can do about the mess Dementia Joe and his handlers have made is an open question. Many of the people who have been screwing things up used to be in the Obama maladministration, and that was basically an 8 year recession. They’re just doing the same things they did before and wondering why things are going south.

Former President Obama will attend the United Nations COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, early next month to highlight the “important progress” made with climate change since the Paris Agreement took effect. Meanwhile, President Biden and his Cabinet participate in the World Leader Summit in Glasgow on Nov. 1 and 2 at the beginning of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

There has been no progress outside of the United States. In fact, even though the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump pulled us out of that disastrous agreement, only the United States has actually met the goals. Funny how that works when the dead hand of government is removed from the throats of business and they can do what actually works instead of being forced to blindly follow a rule book that has no basis in reality.

It is unclear whether Obama will participate in any meetings or events with Biden and his Cabinet officials. Earlier this year, the White House said Biden and Obama spoke “regularly” about a “range of issues” as well as personal matters but did not disclose the frequency of those conversations.

I suspect that Obama wants to maintain a distance between himself and the Epic Failure known as Joe Biden. It would also provide really bad optics to have Der Fubar in the White House and running attending meetings. There are already a large percentage of people who think Obama is actually pulling Dementia Joe’s strings, whether directly or through all his people that came back in when Bumbles Dementia sleazed his way into the Oval Office.

Obama also recently defended Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending bill in a September 27 interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

“You’re talking about us stepping up and spending money on providing childcare tax credits — making those permanent to help families, who for a long time, have needed help,” Obama told the outlet. “You’re looking at making our infrastructure function more efficiently … you’re talking about rebuilding a lot of buildings, roads, bridges, ports so that they are fortified against climate change. And also, that we start investing in the kinds of energy efficiency that’s going to be required to battle climate change.”

Once a Communist, always a communist. Obama’s maladministration is considered a complete failure. The only reason he won two terms was his skin color, guilty white liberals and running a good con. The economy was in the tank, unemployment, especially among Black Americans was high, and companies were bolting from the high taxes and regulations of his maladministration as fast as they could.

It wasn’t until President Trump won the election, shocking pundits everywhere, that things started turning around. Even with all the issues the Deep State and the Uniparty threw at President Trump, he still came out as the Greatest President of the 21st century.

It is unclear whether the duo’s upcoming overlap is part of a broader campaign to win more support for Biden and the Democratic Party ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. The White House did not immediately respond to an inquiry from Fox News.

Dementia Joe’s support was never very good. The Election of 2020 is being audited and things are being discovered. In Arizona, which just concluded their audit of Maricopa County, some 50,000 ballots were handed to the Attorney General for further review. Biden “won” by 10,000 votes. The Fall of Kabul, The Biden Bug Out and the collapsing economy are indicating an election disaster for the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis that will be even worse than the 2010 midterms. Besides, Obama was always good at promoting himself. He never cared about anyone else. He’s not going to do much for President Joe “Bumbles Dementia” Biden.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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