So who are the top to Democrat choices in 2024?

Good day all. As we watch the complete mental physical collapse of President Joe “Bumbles Dementia” Biden, people are wondering who might be the presidential nominee for the Communazi Party in 2024, assuming Dementia Joe doesn’t run.

The Communazi bench is not just thin, it’s anorexic. Part of this is due to Barack Obama and the blowout the Democrats suffered in 2010, both at the national level, and more importantly, the state and local levels. The second reason is that the party formally known as Democrats have move to the left of Karl Marx, driving the middle out of the party. Now they are thinking about who they can run in 2024. Here are the details and choices from Fox News:

Vice President Kamala Harris is the top choice for Democrats if President Biden chooses not to run again in 2024, according to a new poll. 

They want the Blow Job Queen and retired prostitute Kamala “Heels Up” Harris? That must be some really good crack they’re smoking.

The vice president received support from 13% of respondents in The Hill/HarrisX poll despite her historically low approval ratings, according to The Hill.

13%? Is that all? I think Hooker Harris is polling at 28% in the approval polls right now. Somehow, I don’t think 13% wanting her to run for President, (And fail miserably again), is an improvement. So who else are they looking at?

Former first lady Michelle Obama came in second with backing of 10%.

That’s an even bigger joke than Heels Up Harris. There must be someone else they can throw under the bus select as their nominee.

Receiving support below 10% were a handful of former 2020 hopefuls, including Sens. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker; billionaire former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg; businessman Andrew Yang; and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Comrade Bernie is even older and more decrepit than Uncle Senile Pedophile Biden. The fake Indian, Fauxahontas Warren is a communist and a proven liar with more baggage than an 18th century monarch on a trip to the country. Michael “Bloomies” Bloomberg is a Fascist in the literal sense of the term. Pete Buttplug has shown, thanks to the supply chain issues, what a complete and utter incompetent he is. Yang isn’t even part of the Democrat party and Booker? Yeah, I don’t think so.

The former first lady remains deeply popular within the party but has repeatedly insisted she has no plans to run for any office. Obama is the co-chair of the get-out-the-vote initiative When We All Vote, which she created.

Michelle Obama may be popular inside the Communazi party, but most people recall, (Or will be reminded…loudly), what a spoiled, self centered egotistical bitch she was as first lady, especially if she’s compared to one of our great ones, Melania Trump.

Another 13% of respondents said they would pick someone not listed on the poll, according to The Hill

Perhaps they might consider San Fran Nan Pelosi or one of the other Jurassic Democrats? Or they might run Alexandria Occasional-Cortex? She is very young, but will have reached the legal age to be president by January 20th, 2025.

The simple fact of the matter is the Democrats have driven all the potential candidates from the party. Although I wouldn’t vote for her, Tulsi Gabbard has shown she isn’t a stark raving idiot and barking moonbat. (She has policy positions I simply can’t support) She has stepped down from her seat in Congress and has been nuking her bridges to the Democratic Communazi Central Committee.

Frankly, they have no one who can step in, and it doesn’t look like they will for a generation. We shall see how big a bloodbath the 2022 midterms turn out to be. If things go as badly as predicted, The Democrats are going to need to do some serious purges. Who knows? They might even collapse as a party and break apart.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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