And another Biden totalitarian commie bites the political dust

Good day all. I’ve written about Dementia Joe’s selection to be the Comptroller of Currency, Saule Omarova, and what a flaming disaster she would have been if she were confirmed for the role. She is a flat out communist and fully intended to use her position to destroy the energy and other business sectors.

Her nomination, much like the nomination of David Chipman to be head of the BATFE, was seen as an attempt by the Deep State Globalists to take full control of the economy of the United States, (Where Chipman’s nomination was seen as a means to end the 2nd Amendment and begin the confiscation of all privately held firearms), and reduce America to the status of a vassal state of the United Nations and the Progressive (Read Socialist), Elites.

Well, much like Chipman’s nomination was blown out of the water, now Omarova’s nomination has been withdrawn. Here are the details from Fox Business:

President Biden will withdraw the nomination of Saule Omarova to head the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency after a contentious nomination battle.

“Saule would have brought invaluable insight and perspective to our important work on behalf of the American people,” Biden said in a statement Tuesday. “But unfortunately, from the very beginning of her nomination, Saule was subjected to inappropriate personal attacks that were far beyond the pale.” 

Those “Personal attacks” they are talking about? It was the demand for answers on her writings, along with the demand to see her college dissertation, which she wrote when enrolled in Moscow State University.

Omarova was Biden’s pick for a position that would have put her in charge of regulating banks, a nomination that was largely lauded by progressives who have called for the agency to conduct more strict supervision.

One of Omarova’s “Brilliant” ideas was to nationalize the banking system and force all private deposits into the Federal Reserve. She also planned to use her authority to stop banks from doing business with industries she didn’t approve of, such as the Oil and Gas industry, coal mining and of course, gun manufacturers.

But critics argued Omarova was a “radical choice,” saying the nominee wanted to nationalize banking, while questioning whether she remained wedded to the ideologies of her native Soviet Union. 

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more radical choice for any regulatory spot in our federal government,” Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., said during an October speech opposing her confirmation.

Well, Chipman would have been right down there with her. If he had been confirmed, you can bet we would have seen ATF raids against gun owners, and without a doubt, full on gun battles between citizens and the BATFE. That would not have ended well for anyone, especially federal agents. Omarova would have been almost as bad, basically using her position to seize small banks and people’s bank accounts. That too, would not have ended well as people suddenly saw their money being taken from them. You can bet that they would never see it again unless they bowed down to the Progressives in Washington.

The battle over her nomination led her to withdraw from consideration, a decision Biden accepted Tuesday while praising her qualifications and accomplishments.

“I nominated Saule because of her deep expertise in financial regulation and her long-standing, respected career in the private sector, the public sector, and as a leading academic in the field,” Biden said. “She has lived the American dream, escaping her birthplace in the former Soviet Union and immigrating to America, where she went on to serve in the Treasury Department under President George W. Bush and now works as a professor at Cornell Law School.”

She didn’t “Escape,” the USSR collapsed while she was spying studying here. Looking at her Wikipedia page, (I know, I know, but for a work history, it’s somewhat usable), it looks like her time at Treasury was as an advisor and not anyone with any real authority. That obviously made her very well qualified for a major position in the Maladministration of President Bumbles Dementia.

In a letter requesting her name be withdrawn from consideration, Omarova called it an “honor” to be nominated by the president for the role.

In other words, she thought the “Fix was in” and she wouldn’t have to actually produce her writings, rantings and ravings.

“It was a great honor and a true privilege to be nominated by President Biden to lead the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency overseeing the U.S. national banking system,” Omarova said. “I deeply value President Biden’s trust in my abilities and remain firmly committed to the Administration’s vision of a prosperous, inclusive, and just future for our country. At this point in the process, however, it is no longer tenable for me to continue as a Presidential nominee.”

You were never “tenable.” If you had managed to slip past the Senate, and with the likes of Mittens Romney, Linseed Graham and the other TransRepublicans, that was a serious possibility, you would have collapsed the economy. Fortunately, enough Republicans with spines stood up to you and demanded that you actually answer for the things you’ve written and spoken about.

As people saw you for what you are, a flat out Marxist, stopping you became their number one priority. Now they have and you can slink back to academia where no one really pays attention to your garbage. (Other than the students, school administration and other academics who want to tongue bath you) Good bye and good riddance.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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