Maladministration still hiding number of Americans abandoned in Afghanistan

Good day all. It’s been almost four months since President Bumbles Dementia bugged out from Kabul and abandoned hundreds of American Citizens and legal resident aliens to the tender mercies of the Taliban. As for Dementia Joe, he’s “Put Afghanistan behind him.”

The problem for him is that there are still Americans trying to escape. The question has always been, how many are still there and what’s happened to them? Originally, it was “About 100 and they wanted to stay.” Now the number has gone up significantly. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

Hundreds of Americans who remained in Afghanistan following the U.S. military withdrawal four months ago have since decided they’d like to return home, White House press secretary Jen Psaki indicated on Tuesday.

“There were people who determined they wanted to leave since [August], and it’s our responsibility to help them depart,” she said. “That’s evidence of our commitment to do exactly that.”

So why have you been putting one roadblock after the other in the way of these people you lying waste of carbon? Have you taken any action against those in the state department who have just hung up on people who called in for help? How about those who you said wouldn’t be allowed to come home? Finally, just how many people are we talking about now?

“We believe that about 100 to 200 Americans remain in Afghanistan with some intention to leave,” including dual citizens with strong ties to the central Asian nation, President Joe Biden said following the withdrawal. But since that day, Psaki said 479 U.S. citizens have been provided assistance leaving Afghanistan.

I like that lie. The assistance provided these people didn’t come from the maladministration, it came from private citizens and members of congress. I also like how you’ve sent the original estimate of people abandoned by you down the old memory hole.

“Let me just reiterate something that [Secretary of State] Antony Blinken said back in August, which is that if Americans who are in Afghanistan want to leave — whether it’s three weeks from now, a month from now, two months from now — we would help them out,” Psaki said. “That is something we have delivered our word on.”

Then came the one question that the maladministration doesn’t want to answer.

She was then pressed on the fact 479 is a much higher number than the 100-200 estimate Biden indicated four months ago. Psaki responded many of them had simply changed their minds in the ensuing months.

That wasn’t an estimate. It was a made up number pulled from their asses.

Psaki added that the United States does not “put a tracker on American citizens traveling overseas,” indicating it doesn’t always have exact numbers on how many citizens are in Afghanistan at any given time or how many want to leave. However, she said the Biden administration is committed to helping anyone who wishes to flee the country.

First, when everything began falling apart, the embassy was anything but helpful to the Americans in country trying to find out what the hell they were supposed to do. Then came the news that the embassy had given a list of names of Americans and Afghans they wanted to be allowed into the airport. The Taliban has been using that list to round up anyone they can find. (They have killed a few Afghans who helped us. The Americans ran and went into hiding) As for Dementia Joe, he is, as usual, lying through his teeth.

Biden said on Sunday, (December 12th), he’d opposed the U.S. invasion from the beginning and that ending the war was bound to involve casualties, referencing an August suicide attack outside the Kabul airport that killed 13 U.S. service members and some 170 Afghans.

However, as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, then-Sen. Biden voted to approve the 2001 authorization for the use of military force, which authorized the war, and continued to advocate for further commitments in the years after.

Joseph “Bumbles Dementia” Biden is going to go down in history as the worst, most incompetent president in American history. He is unfit to hold any office of trust and always has been. With his rapidly decaying mental state, his removal from office is becoming critical. The one major issue will be his replacement. Kamala “Heels Up” Harris” will be even worse.

We are screwed unless the GOP crushes the Democratic Communazis in 2022 and we can remove both of them from office via impeachment and conviction in the Senate. More then likely, we’re in for even worse disasters until President Trump or whoever he supports is sworn in in 2025. For the people abandoned by the Dementia Joe Biden maladministration? Keep reaching out to private citizen groups and members of congress. They, unlike President Dementia or the State Department, will do everything they can to rescue you.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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