College Admins about to learn exactly what “Get Woke, Go Broke” means

Good day all. The American University system was once considered one of the best in the world. Those days are long gone now. One of the reasons is goes back to the old Soviet COMINTERN plan to put fellow travelers and flat out traitors into universities.

Even thought the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed decades ago, the fallout is still being felt. Today’s “Centers of higher education” along with a lot of the public and private schools in the United States are nothing more then communist indoctrination centers.

Of course, thanks to the Great Panicdemic of 2020, the moonbats, Marxists and the unions closed down the education system and went to “Remote teaching.” This gave parents the chance to see just what was actually being taught to their children and the results have been explosive.

In the colleges, we are seeing what amounts to a totalitarian purge of any views that do not toe the “WOKE” mindset. Students are being attacked and expelled for their views, and professors are being fired for daring to have any other than the “Politically approved” opinion. Now these teachers are fighting back, and in one case, the school administrators have just found out that they will be held personally and financially liable. Here are the details from Just the News:

Public university officials can be held personally liable for dumping an adjunct professor based on his anonymous criticism of the concept of microaggressions, a federal court has concluded.

University of North Texas officials should have known that math professor Nathaniel Hiers’ speech “touched on a matter of public concern and that discontinuing his employment because of his speech violated the First Amendment,” U.S. District Judge Sean Jordan wrote in a 69-page memorandum and order Friday.

I think the operative phrase for the university administrators is “Oh Shit! We’re fucked!” The administrators who are being hit with this suit were probably aware that firing Mr. Hiers was actionable, but assumed that even if Mr. Hiers won his suit, they wouldn’t be affected and it would be the university that would have to pay. That plan just went out the window.

According to Judge Jordan, “all parties agree” Hiers’ message “was intended as a joke,” yet math department chair Ralf Schmidt demanded the “coward … immediately” come forward. While Hiers copped to the message, he refused to apologize or participate in “supplemental diversity training” on top of the mandatory diversity training he was scheduled to take.

He what? He refused to undergo extra political indoctrination? Off with his head!

Less than a week later, Schmidt rescinded Hiers’ spring contract, claiming the chalkboard message was at least upsetting and “can even be perceived as threatening.” According to Jordan, the professor has “plausibly alleged that the university officials violated his right to freedom of speech.”

I looked up just what Mr. Hiers did. It was utterly harmless and amusing. The actual story on this can be found on The College Fix site. The short version? There was a flier handed out on “Microagressions that was folded in half and put under a chalk board in a classroom. The professor wrote “Don’t leave garbage around” with an arrow pointing to the flier. This set off the “Usual Suspects” and that was all she wrote for Professor Hiers. Like many others in a similar situation, Mr. Hiers decided to fight back and go after those personally responsible.

Student, faculty and community litigants have targeted qualified immunity for university and K-12 officials, from volleyball coaches to school board members, in several speech-related lawsuits in recent years.

Officials with authority over student club funding have faced particular ire from judges. The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals twice stripped immunity from University of Iowa officials last year, as did trial judges in cases against Michigan’s Wayne State University and California State University.

Personally, I would like to know where this so called “Qualified immunity” came from. There is no mention of it in the Constitution. It’s possible that some states may have enacted legislation regarding it. If the colleges agreed to it as part of their employment contract, then that might be one way they could get away with violating the rights of people. Somehow, I don’t think any of this is the case.

UNT’s legal setback is the second in Texas in less than two months favoring an adjunct professor whose contract wasn’t renewed. Collin College paid Lora Burnett $70,000 to drop her First Amendment lawsuit, which alleged her non-renewal was retaliation for insulting then-Vice President Mike Pence and disagreeing with Collin President Neil Matkin about the severity of COVID-19 on Twitter. 

This sounds like a leftist who was canned. Still, while she may have no problem suppressing the freedom to speak one’s mind if that person is a Conservative, she also has the right to speak her mind as well. Still, she settled for far to little in my opinion.

It’s also the second speech-related controversy at UNT just this month. Protesters successfully shut down a Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) event titled “Criminalize Child Transitions” with Texas House candidate Jeff Younger and allegedly chased YCT leader Kelly Neidert as she fled with police.

These left wing Fascist vermin, and that is exactly what they are, are not going to stop their actions until one of two things happens. They’re either punished severely in court for their actions, or a number of them are taken out and provided free helicopter rides.

At the very least you would expect the school administration to take some action against these totalitarian thugs. You would be mistaken.

Rather than pledging sanctions against students or employees who disrupted the event, UNT President Neal Smatresk — a defendant in Hiers’ lawsuit — apologized for the “intolerant views of a handful of campus members.”

Then this moonbat decided to double down on stupid.

A week later, Smatresk told protesters, “I abhor what YCT has said and done,” promising “actions within the constraints of law and the constraints of [university] policy,” North Texas Daily reported. 

Smatresk “implied that we are under investigation, which no one has told us,” Neidert tweeted Sunday. She also noted the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) had sent Smatresk a legal warning letter in 2011 when he led the University of Nevada Las Vegas, deeming unconstitutional its diversity policy’s ban on “disrespect.”

Obviously, that letter in 2011 was promptly circular filed. The story continues with many comments on the law and other things. The short version is simplicity itself. If Mr. Hiers wins his case, the individual administrators can be held financially liable for any judgments. If a few of these losers are bankrupted, ruined and impoverished, perhaps other college and university administrators will wake up and realize that they could be next. Somehow, I doubt it.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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