Ketanji Brown Jackson. Another unqualified liberal on the bench

Good day all. I haven’t written about Dementia Joe’s nominee to the United States Supreme Court, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Part of this is due to everything else that’s going on, and part of it was waiting to see how many shoes were going to drop on her judicial record.

Well, it looks like the entire shoe store has landed. Unlike the Democratic Communazis with their attacks on Justice Kavanaugh and Barrett, the Republicans have actually been digging into Jackson’s actual record and writings. He has left quite the paper trail, and the Usual Suspects are screaming “Racism!!” when people ask her about some of her actions.

Some of the things she has done as a judge are causing people to question why she is a federal judge at all. She appears to be very soft on convicted pedophiles and sex offenders. (Rather surprising considering her gender, but she is a Progressive Liberal Moonbat) She also fully intends to use the Racist Liberals Critical Race Theory when she issues rulings. Here are a few details from the Washington Examiner:

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, a fine person with an impressive resume, should nonetheless not be confirmed to the Supreme Court. Her record and testimony show she is outside what should be the mainstream of American jurisprudence.

This week’s hearings on Jackson’s nomination were quite valuable because they exposed, in numerous ways, a far-left legal orthodoxy that knows its beliefs, values, and legal reasoning are not shared by the vast majority of voters. That’s why Jackson and her Democratic Senate enablers so often obfuscated and misled whenever directly challenged.

Misled? Is that another term for flat out lied?

For example, despite having a history of paying homage to critical race theory, Jackson repeatedly spoke during the hearings as if she were barely familiar with its precepts.

This isn’t surprising of course. The goal of the progressives is to get Jackson on the court so that she can wreck havoc with the Constitution and the Rule of Law in this country. Of course, Jackson also knows that if she is caught in an outright lie under oath, impeachment is automatic, especially if she is indicted.

Likewise, to protect legal options for the aggressive agenda of transgender activists, she infamously claimed to not know how to define a “woman.” And even when Nebraska GOP Sen. Ben Sasse repeatedly teed up a softball for her, almost begging her to agree that college students should have no heckler’s veto against free speech, she kept dodging commitment on that issue as well.

Jackson’s refusal to even know what a Woman is, (Which is amusing since she is one…allegedly), has generated a mountain of memes and remarks. She also seems to have a problem with free speech, at least the speech of people who’s politics she opposes. (That would be conservatives) Then there is her refusal to punish those who harm children.

Meanwhile, even if there may be good explanations for some of Jackson’s sentencing decisions, it is simply a fact that Jackson has spent a quarter-century, in multiple forums and jobs, suggesting, and ruling, that child pornographers be treated more leniently.

She should be disqualified for the court right there. Now people can argue over the definition of what a child is, (In my opinion, teens aren’t children), but the sicko’s that create kiddie porn usually use real children who haven’t even reached puberty yet. (Regardless of of whether or not they should engage in sex, boys and girls at around 12-13 are physically capable. Those under flat out are not. Oh, I catch you touching a teen, (As in under 18), you’re going to beg to be put down like the rabid dog you are when I get finished with you)

The problem, though, is broader than that. Even no-nonsense legal analysts who said Republican questioners failed to acknowledge the context in her favor regarding child pornographers noted that her “theory” of sentencing would undermine the federal sentencing guidelines in favor of leniency all across the board, not just with sex offenders.

There is a reason for sentencing guidelines and it’s judges like Jackson. (Also, to a lesser extent, those who will lock up minor offenders for life. 20 years for shoplifting a candy bar?) It’s because they tend to let really dangerous thugs run free, and people get killed or injured who, if the guidelines had been followed, would never have been attacked in the first place.

By her evasions and casuistry on topics of race, gender, sentencing leniency, and speech disruptions, Jackson shows at the very least a marked unwillingness to disavow specific applications of the hard Left’s legal agenda.

The Left’s legal goal is to, in no uncertain terms, end the Constitutional protections of the individual American and lawful Resident Alien and impose a Marxist, totalitarian Rule by the Elite. Right now, people are having serious trust issues with the judicial branch. The recent Tainted Election and the refusal of judges to even allow evidence of potential election fraud to be presented has angered millions of Americans.

Then we have federal courts like the 9th Circus, which patently ignores the plain language of the Constitution. (There is a reason they are the most overturned court in America) Jackson is not fit to serve on the Supreme Court. She isn’t even, in my opinion, qualified to be on the bench at any level. I checked her background and I found what I expected.

She was appointed for one reason. Politics. Her “Marching orders” are to insure that the left’s political agenda, which is wildly unpopular, be locked into place. The problem with that is “The People.” As I mentioned earlier, many are looking askance at many rulings coming down from the courts. If the people decide that they aren’t going to get a fair shake in court, (Win or lose), then they will decide to seek “Justice by other means.

Sadly, I expect this Progressive Racist slug to be narrowly confirmed. I also expect several TransRepublicans to “Cross the aisle” and vote to confirm her. If she is as bad as I expect her to be, it may come to pass that she will also be told to resign or be prosecuted in a few years or even impeached and convicted.

Ketanji Brown Jackson needs to understand that her political views are meaningless. Her job is to read the Constitution, Read the papers left by the founders of the country explaining exactly what they meant, and issue rulings that uphold the Constitution of the United States and the rights of the People. It is NOT to protect the Ruling Elites or make laws from the bench. (Roberts pulled that stunt with Obamacare and should have been removed)

I expect errors to be made. Judges are human, (Mostly). I don’t expect them to flat out ignore the Constitution and impose their views on America. I fully expect Jackson to do just that, ignore the Constitution and impose her views on America. That view would be more at home in a totalitarian state. She should not be confirmed to this position under any circumstances.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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