Elizabeth Fauxahonta Warren demand crackdown on pregnancy centers

Good day all. Senator Elizabeth “Fauxahontas” Warren, (Commie-MA), aka Lie-a-watha, has been ranting and raving against the decisions coming from the Supreme Court of late. This is due to the new justices actually doing something Fauxahontas would never do, uphold the Constitution of the United States.

She started her current Chernobyl like meltdown when the draft decision overturning Roe vs Wade was leaked last spring. With the final decision released, she has lost it completely. She is now demanding a crack down on Pro-Life pregnancy centers. Here are the details from the Washington Times:

Pro-life pregnancy centers may have bigger problems on their hands than fire-setting, window-smashing vandals. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Democrat, is leading the charge for a federal clampdown on the centers, which typically offer services such as free counseling, pregnancy testing, baby supplies and parenting support, but not abortions or abortion referrals.

These are deceptive outfits that front for groups that are trying to harass or otherwise frighten people who are pregnant to keep them from seeking an abortion, and they do so under the cover of pretending to offer abortion services,” Ms. Warren said at a Wednesday press conference in Boston, as reported by MassLive.

Fauxahontas is a typical Massachusetts Marxist. She wants nothing less than a totalitarian state run by her and those who think like here. She, like all the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis, firmly believes that the average American is their property and that she can do with her property as she sees fit. Basically, she is a racist and a firm supporter in repealing the 13th Amendment. I suspect that what she wants is mandatory abortions for anyone she sees as inferior.

She and Sen. Robert Menendez, New Jersey Democrat, have introduced a bill that would task the Federal Trade Commission with issuing and enforcing rules to “prohibit deceptive or misleading advertising related to the provision of abortion services.” Violators would be subject to fines.

With the current maladministration and their weaponizing the government to go after their perceived enemies, you know they will come in and start shutting these centers down, and as to the mothers and mothers to be who go there for help? Their answer is simple. Get an abortion. Menendez also supports abortion but for a different reason. He doesn’t want any little surprises from his “vacations” to Haiti and his “education” of 14 year old girls.

The Progressives are mounting a full court press against any Pro-Life organizations, including telling their friends in Big Tech to hide search results for pregnant women looking for assistance. New York’s utterly corrupt Attorney General is a case in point.

New York Attorney General Letitia James sent a letter Tuesday asking Google to exclude the centers from searches for “abortion,” saying “it appears that Google Maps often fails to distinguish between facilities that offer abortion services and those that do not.”

With the expectation that New York will be seeing an increasing number of pregnant people from out of state seeking abortion services in our state — often traveling here at great financial cost and inconvenience—it is imperative that pregnant people are receiving accurate information and are able to obtain the medical services they need efficiently and with minimal confusion,” she said.

Google has enough problems right now. They’ve managed to anger both sides of the political aisle, for different reasons, and many in congress are looking at how to break them up. While they might just do this, it will come back and bite them solidly on the sensitive areas of the anatomy.

Meanwhile, pro-life advocates accuse Ms. Warren of stoking the recent wave of attacks. At least 37 pro-life offices and facilities have been vandalized since the draft opinion was leaked May 2, according to a CatholicVote map. For example, Life Choices, a pro-life pregnancy center in Longmont, Colorado, sustained fire and smoke damage in a June 25 attack that included the spray-painted message “if abortions aren’t safe, neither are you.”

Warren and the other leftist scum in Congress have no problem with this. If they did, you know that Merrick Garland would be all over it.

Sen. Warren‘s calls for a ‘crack down’ will only fan the flames of violence against these nonprofits which have faced an unprecedented number of attacks since Justice Alito’s draft in the Dobbs case was leaked,” said Mallory Quigley, spokesperson for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America.

As I said, she doesn’t care and won’t until someone at one of these centers engages the terrorists and shoots a few of them. (It’s only a matter of time) When that happens, just watch Fauxahontas demanding that the military be used to crush these domestic terrorists. (The people defending themselves and the centers)

She said that in a given year, the nation’s 2,700 centers serve two million people, providing an estimated value of nearly $270 million by providing “high-quality medical care, material items such as diapers, formula, clothing, strollers, and more.”

They also offer classes on childbirth, lactation, parenting and nutrition, as well as help with job searches and GED tests, with an average client satisfaction rate of 99%, or “higher than Chick-fil-A, Netflix, Chipotle, or the iPhone,” she said.

So they are working with new mothers as well as expectant mothers? It seems that, unlike your average welfare pushing bureaucrat, they are actually accomplishing things. I can see this as yet another reason that the Communazis want them shut down. They are taking young women, some of whom may still be in school, and working with them to be both good parents and good, self supporting, tax paying citizens. Of course Liberal hate places like this.

Senator Warren is willfully ignorant about the incredible work being done by pregnancy centers,” said Ms. Quigley in a statement.

What would you expect from her. She is a flat out liar and has been one her entire adult life. I also have little doubt that she is fully aware of the services provided by these centers.

Actress Patricia Heaton tweeted Wednesday that a pro-life pregnancy center she supports has had to hire armed security “because of people like @SenWarren.”

“Our medical pregnancy clinic serves client families for five years, providing superior services for anyone who asks. We raised $250K for a mobile medical clinic for underserved areas, treating everyone,” Ms. Heaton said.

I don’t know much about Ms. Heaton other then what I found on that ever so accurate font of information, Wikipedia. I’ve probably seen her work, but it didn’t stand out to me. She is, sadly, a dyed in the wool Never Trumper, and seems to like that back stabbing slimeball, Mittens Romney. However, she is helping young women in need and there is no arguing with that good work. That they had to hire armed security due to the actions of Elizabeth Warren is infuriating.

The Warren bill is backed by a host of pro-choice groups, including Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the Center for Reproductive Rights.

In other words, all the usual suspects. Before you think that these groups are all about “A woman’s right to choose,” consider that these organization stand to lose billions of dollars. They get donations of course, but a lot of their money is coming from medical insurance and taxpayers. If states start looking to restrict abortion, it’s not impossible that a few of them will go out of business entirely.

There is also the fact that these organizations donate exclusively to the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazi Party. If they have to close clinics, then that’s money that people like Fauxahonta Warren won’t be getting in bribes campaign donations. Now if these clinics actually went the real “Full service” route, doing what the Pro-life pregnancy centers do, they could easily shift over in the states that choose to restrict abortions.

That isn’t what they want of course. By and large, Planned Parenthood are abortion mills and profit off abortion. There is also the rather interesting, (And to many, upsetting), statistic that most women who have abortions are black. I’m sure it’s nothing of course, although, the “Heroine” of pro-choice movement, Margaret Sanger, was a flaming racist and wanted to encourage blacks and other non-white minorities, as well as certain “Undesirable” Caucasian groups, (Usually from the Balkans and southern Europe), to not have any children at all. You see, she was a Eugenicist. Another group that took this idea and ran with it was a political movement in Germany in the 20’s and 30’s.

Warren would balk at being compared to a Nazi. (She’s more in tune with Communism under Stalin, with her in the role as the “Party General Secretary.) However, she has once again demonstrated her unfitness for any position of trust. Frankly, if the voters of the People’s Republic of Taxachusetts won’t voter her out, then she should be expelled from the United States Senate for inciting violence.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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