House Communazis slam GOP house rules

Good day all. With the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives, also comes a slew of new rules for conducting the People’s Business in the House of Representatives. Most of this is just arcane details that don’t matter to anyone but the insiders in the House.

A lot of the rules are dealing with committees, investigations and the like. The problem for the Democrats is, it’s the Biden Crime Cartel and the Maladministration that is going to be targeted, not the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. Here are the details from Fox News:

House Democrats are slamming the incoming GOP majority’s priorities for the 118th Congress, labeling it as “extreme MAGA” and out of touch.

Once again, the Democrats fail to understand what MAGA means. It means Make America Great Again. Since that is the last thing the Democrats want, (They seem to want the complete collapse of the United States), screeching that it’s “Extreme” is their only answer. (They seem to have missed what happened last August with Dementia Joe’s “Speech from the Gates of Hell” when he used Ultra MAGA)

“The Extreme MAGA Republicans have apparently learned nothing from their historic underperformance in the midterm elections. Instead of seeking common ground to solve problems for everyday Americans, the new majority is clearly determined to put extreme partisan politics over the people we are all privileged to represent,” incoming House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, of New York, said in a statement Monday.

“House Democrats will continue to fight for lower costs, better-paying jobs and safer communities. On the other hand, House Republicans will quickly move to restrict reproductive freedom and abortion care, while making it easier to cut taxes for the wealthy, well-off and well-connected,” he continued.

Is this communist for real? Oh wait, yes. He is a Communist so he is for real. We’ve seen just what the Democrats have done for the last two years. Inflation levels not seen in 40 years, a literal invasion along our southern borders, crime out of control and, thanks to the Twitter Files, the proof that the Democrats have been suppressing the Constitutional rights of anyone who stands against them.

The GOP rules package sent to members Sunday evening by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., included proposed tax cuts and a new Judiciary subcommittee for investigations into the Biden administration, and prevents congressional staff from unionizing.

Considering what those staffers make, thanks to San Fran Nan’s parting gift, I’m not sure they could actually unionize even if they wanted to. A lot of those drones now make more then a Representative. I can understand why the Democrats are angry about investigating the Biden Crime Family. There appears to be a lot of “There” there evidencewise, possibly to the point where even the most corrupt Democrats would have to vote to impeach and remove Biden.

Lawmakers elected to the 118th Congress convene for the first time on Tuesday at noon and are expected to vote on a House speaker in the early afternoon.

The Fox story was published before the current fight going on in the house regarding McCarthy’s “Coronation” as Speaker. Depending on when I post this, he might have finally won, the fight may still be underway, or we have someone else as Speaker of the House.

Rep. James McGovern, D-Mass., accused Republicans of caving to “the most extreme” of their caucus members.

“Regrettably, I am very disappointed by the proposed rules package put forward by the incoming Republican majority,” he said.

“Instead of building on Democrats’ work to create a more accommodating Congress, Republican leaders have once again caved to the most extreme members of their own caucus: allowing the far-right to hold the incoming Speaker hostage; attempting to end Congressional staff unionization; reinstating CUTGO so they can more easily cut taxes on billionaire corporations while slashing the social safety net; giving committee chairs unbalanced discretion over which witnesses can and cannot testify; rejecting commonsense pandemic safety procedures like remote voting by proxy; and reinstating the Holman rule so they can target civil servants they disagree with,” McGovern, the top Democrat on the Committee on Rules, said.

Here is a short translation of what the Masshole Marxist means. Just do what we tell you to do and everything will be just fine. Try and do anything like uphold the Constitution or anything that gives any power back to the slaves, serfs and people in Flyover country and we will call you all racists. Regarding the Holman rule, That is a direct assault on one of the primary Democrat constituencies, Federal Bureaucrats.

The Holman rule allows amendments to bills that cut specific federal agencies and even target specific federal employees to reduce their salaries.

Jeffries added: “In addition, Republican leadership will empower the extremists in their conference to grind the work of the House to a halt, while targeting civil servants to settle political scores on behalf of the twice-impeached former President. House Republicans will end our bipartisan committee to address the climate crisis while making it easier for big oil companies to pollute our environment without consequence.”

“It is disappointing, but not surprising, that House Republicans have put forward a rules package that undermines mainstream values and furthers an extreme agenda,” Jeffries continued. “House Democrats stand ready to work on a bipartisan basis to tackle the pressing issues facing everyday Americans. Hopefully, we will find willing partners on the other side of the aisle.”

Jeffries is one of the “New” democrats. He thinks Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin, Mao tse Tung and Pol Pot were far to conservative and Right Wing. He would make Pelosi look like a paragon of virtue and bipartisanship. He is a classic “My way or else” type Democrat. Like all Democrats, when he says that “They stand ready to work with the Republicans” he means that as long as the Republicans do what the Democrats tell them to do, everything will be just fine.

As I finish this posting up and put it into the “To be published” queue, McCarthy has lost 11 straight votes to be Speaker of the House. I understand that this is a post Civil War record. It’s also a hint of things to come. I’ve also been reading that a majority of Republican Voters are also opposed to McCarthy, seeing him as just as bad as that other establishment swam dweller, Cocaine Mitch McConnell. Still, if these rules that the Democrats hate are put in place, regardless of who is Speaker, that will be a win for the “Good Guys.”


McCarthy was finally elected Speaker of the House after 15 votes.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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