Musing of the Angry Webmaster now under attack on Socialist Media

Good day all. We now have confirmation that Anger Central is basically shadow banned on Faceplant and has been censored on TwitterX. In less than a week two posts and an image have been blocked or removed.

For the last week I have been hit with images and posts being blocked or deleted by Faceplant for the most bogus of reasons. One, the post titled “Yet another nail in Jack Smith’s attempted persecution of Donald Trump” was taken down by the fascist censor of Faceplant calling it spam. It most certainly wasn’t, which leads me to believe that someone decided to tag the post as such.

Another a simple image I found in the Internet of a boy hold a sign that said “If you see me with Joe Biden, call the police.” I forget the reason, but it was another bogus one. I challenged both of those and the image was restored. The post on Smith remains blocked. That tells me that this is political and that someone is trying to protect the Bidens.

This brings us to another post that was blocked on TwitterX. This post went up the other night and was titled “Hostage families to Joe Biden. STOP HELPING!” TwitterX blocked the post claiming it promoted violence which it most certainly did not. I challenged it of course and in less then 2 minutes was told the block was remaining. So much for Elon Musk’s belief in free speech.

Actually, Musk wouldn’t even have known about it. I suspect it was another Progressive Antisemite who is supporting Hamas and is just fine with what happened on October 7th. I did write a tweet complaining about this and tagged Elon Musk. I doubt he will see it of course. If you see it, feel free to retweet it. It won’t do any good. This was either a hit by a leftist he missed in the clean out after he took over, or yet another one of the algorithms that the old regime put in pace that has come back to life.

Interestingly, none of the posts or images were blocked, downgraded or removed on other Social Media sites, such as Truth Social, Gab, GETTR and Mewe. Twitter was doing a lot better once Elon Musk took over and cleaned out the leftist trash, however, it looks like he may have missed a few, or there are algorithms that have activated for the 2024 election that he wasn’t aware of.

Honestly, the only reason I’m on socialist media is to try and promote my poor, pathetic little site. I don’t spend a lot of time on it, maybe 10-15 minutes a day if that. I have been expecting to get booted from Faceplant for a while now. They keep restricting my account over things I posted years ago. (Again with the algorithms)

Frankly and as much as I hate to say it, it might be time to start regulating some of these platforms. They can operate in two ways. They can remove content they don’t like, but they lose any protections under Section 230 of the Telecommunications Act and can be sued into oblivion. Or they can just act as a billboard and only remove items that are illegal, such as kiddie porn. It’s about time that Google and Facebook “Face” the music for their actions.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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