Tag Archives: SJW

ISIS attacks in France and response

Good day all. It’s been less than 24 hours since the massive Islamic Terrorist attacks in Paris that killed over 120 innocent people and wounded hundreds of others. France has declared a state of emergency and is looking for anyone who aided these goat shagging thugs. Continue reading

Posted in Moonbat, News of the Day, Stupidity, The Good Idea Fairy | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Precious Snowflakes told to call police if offended

Good day all. I haven’t written anything regarding the mess at that University of Missouri due to the speed with which things have been happening. Basically, a bunch of whining crybabies on the collage football team started screaming “RACISM” over some slight or other. Continue reading

Posted in liberty, Moonbat, News of the Day, Stupidity, The Good Idea Fairy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Fruit baskets are now racist

Good day all/ Have you ever given someone a fruit basket as a gift? Well guess what? That now makes you a racist. Continue reading

Posted in Moonbat, News of the Day, Stupidity, The Good Idea Fairy | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Huntress to world: “Oh Look! A giraffe!” *BOOM*

Good day all. The other day I posted a rebuttal from the Zebras over the outrage being generated by the death of Cecil the serial killing lion. I also managed to get my very first negative response from some lion … Continue reading

Posted in Hero, Just Desserts, liberty, News of the Day | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment