Tag Archives: Flaming Cuomo

Flaming Cuomo bans restaurants? They’re returning the favor

Good day all. One of the worst governors in the country, (And there is stiff competition), is New York’s Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo. He is the poster child for what not to do during a pandemic.

Posted in Economy, Hero, Jobs, Just Desserts, liberty, Moonbat, News of the Day | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Flaming Cuomo for Attorney General?

Good day all. There have been rumors that Dementia Joe might select New York Governor, (And mass murderer), Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo to be the United States Attorney General. Now those rumors are starting to coalesce into potential fact.

Posted in Moonbat, News of the Day, Precious Snowflakes, Second Amendment, Stupidity, The Good Idea Fairy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Flaming Cuomo to Feds: Give me money or the taxpayers get it!

Good day all. Thanks to the incompetence and mismanagement by the Democrats running the “Blue” states, many of them have basically bankrupted themselves. Add to that the idiotic shutdowns ordered by the Blue State tyrants…Governors, their state budgets are a … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Jobs, Just Desserts, Moonbat, News of the Day, Precious Snowflakes, Stupidity, The Good Idea Fairy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo for Attorney General?

Good day all. It seems that the Senile Pedophile, Dementia Joe Biden, is considering governor Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo to be his Attorney General if he manages to sleaze his way into the White House.

Posted in Jobs, liberty, Moonbat, News of the Day, Precious Snowflakes, Second Amendment, Stupidity, The Good Idea Fairy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment