Good riddance to 2021. Now get ready, here comes 2022!

Good day all and welcome to 2022. Finally, 2021 is on the rear view mirror and we can look forward to a better new year. Yeah, right. Now if you will indulge me. I think I’m going to release my inner sarcasm and bitterness.

The year started out with the installation of the fake president, Joe Biden. He promptly demonstrated why he should never have been made president by killing off 10’s of thousand of jobs in the energy sector. Since then, gas prices have more than doubled under this senile, incompetent idiot.

On foreign policy, we have seen one disaster after the other leading to the infamous Fall of Kabul and the Biden Bug Out. Foreign leaders figured out very quickly that they could push President Bumbles Dementia around very easily. Now we have an actual possibility of the People’s Republic of China invading Taiwan and Russia invading the Ukraine.

Next we have the disaster along the southern border. Since before the senile idiot was sworn in, but after the “Election,” we have seen a flat out invasion of criminals coming up through Mexico. Where we had a fairly secure border, and becoming more secure every day, under the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, we now have…nothing.

Border security is, for all intents and purposes, nonexistent and the Border patrol is under attack by their own government for simply doing their jobs as prescribed by the law. We have seen some 2 million illegal aliens cross the border, and rather then ship them back to the Turd World hell holes they came from, Dementia Joe is secretly flying them around the country and dumping them with no notice to local officials.

Next we have the economy. We hope you enjoyed the great years of President Trump, because we are rapidly descending into Wiemar Republic territory, thanks to the incompetence of the Federal Reserve and the flat out stupidity of Bumbles Dementia and the incompetents managing him. Energy prices have more then doubled and are expected to go up even further. Food prices are also increasing significantly. Basically, the inflation rate, which has been incredibly low for decades has exploded upwards. This can be laid directly at the feet of Dementia Joe and the Communazis in Congress.

We’ve also been seeing actual shortages and empty shelves for the first time since, probably World War 2 and rationing, yet we have ships stacked up outside of the west coast harbors looking for dock space to unload their cargo and load up new cargo to be transported elsewhere. A major part of the problem is the lack of truck drivers to pick up the loads and transport them where they need to go.

Another is trained dockworkers. (The dock workers unions are not helping matters either) The person who should be handling this for the ever incompetent Bumbles Dementia is the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttplug. Or he would be handling this if he ever bother to show up for work, or if he actually knew what the heck he was doing.

Then we have the Fauci/China biological weapon, code named “Covid-19.” This showed up in early 2020 and thanks to the panicmongers and power mad moonbats, they decided that the constitution was a dead letter and put the entire country under house arrest, all in the name of “Bending the Curve.” We are now moving into year three of the Great Panicdemic.

I won’t bother going over everything about this. I’ve covered a lot of it and have several more posts in my queue waiting to go online. Most people have long come to realize that the whole Covid-19 “Pandemic” was a load of manure, and that the “Big Government, Globalist Uniparty” types were using this to strip Americans of their God/Natural rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States.

The Maladministration has been abusing their powers, or flat out usurping powers they aren’t permitted to forcibly inject people with the vaccines developed under President Trump’s Warp Speed program. The vaccines have turned out to not be all that effective, and in some cases, have proven to have lethal side effects. Rather than work with both Big Pharma and the American People, Dementia Joe fell back into his preferred state of “I’m in charge, shut up and do what I tell you or else!”

This is being challenged in court, and is heading for the Supreme Court. There are also investigations into the handling, or mishandling of the whole Panicdemic, and questions to Anthony Fauci have been pointed. He’s also been referred to the DoJ for prosecution for lying to congress, but that will come to nothing thanks to the Attorney General, Merrick “Heinrich Himmler” Garland. (More on him later)

We have also seen crime explode across the nation, primarily in the Blue cities and states. In Red states it hasn’t gotten to bad as yet, primarily to people willing to shoot criminals. There have been problems though, starting with Kyle Rittenhouse and the Soros District Attorneys.

Kyle Rittenhouse was forced to to shoot three criminals who were trying to kill him. He killed two of them and wounded a third. The incident was probably the best documented case of Self Defense in recent memory. This didn’t stop the D.A. with charging, and putting Mr. Rittenhouse on trial for 1st degree murder.

Thankfully, the prosecution was utterly inept, and was hammered several times by the judge for willfully ignoring his orders and violating Mr. Rittenhouse’s constitutional rights. The jury quickly acquitted him. There were rumors that the DoJ was considering criminal civil rights charges against Kyle Rittenhouse, but smarter heads prevailed.

Those smarter heads were on vacation apparently when parents, who have been monitoring their children’s education found out that they weren’t actually being educated, but were being indoctrinated with Progressive propaganda. It all came to a head when they learned that their children were being forced to learn Critical Race Theory, which states that if you are white, you are a racist and all the worlds problems are your fault.

The explosion against CRT began in Virginia in one of the liberal counties, much to the shock of the Progressive Ruling elite. It quickly spread across the nation as parents, furious at the teachers unions and the local boards of education ignored them. When parents confronted the school boards, the boards had them arrested for daring to speak out.

The culmination of this was the coordinated effort between the teachers unions and the Biden Maladministration to send out federal agents to “investigate” parents as domestic terrorists. There had been no violence and any threats were of the sort to lawfully remove the various school board members. What Merrick “Heinrich Himmler” Garland was planning on doing was nothing else then flat out intimidation and a violation of the 1st Amendment rights of the parents.

As the information came out regarding the DoJ’s planned intimidation tactics, the coordination with the Maladministration and the fact that parents are not backing down has caused the intimidation tactics to pretty much fail. Add to that the Republicans in congress looking into this and the whole thing was basically shelved.

This leads us to the Republican Party. Thanks to the sheer incompetence, stupidity and malevolence of the Bumbles Dementia maladministration, along with the blind arrogance of San Fran Nan Pelosi, the 2022 midterm elections are on track to be the biggest political massacre of Democrats in a century.

The House and Senate are barely in the hands of the Democratic Communazis, and between redistricting, the political tone deafness of the Progressive elite, and President Trump hammering away at the Deep State, Democrats and RINO country club Republicans, the only way the Democrats can hold on is by cheating…again. The problem for them is everyone is watching out for this.

We’re beginning to see the first signs of the Democrats panic and the Maladministration’s use of the DoJ and other bureaucracies to go after the Red States. The Democrats have been pushing a bill that would strip the authority of running elections from the states, which is a flat out violation of the Constitution. The states are already fighting back against this and are winning.

This has led the Democrats to announce that the Supreme Court is in the way of their agenda and that the court must be packed with like minded progressives who will ignore the constitution entirely. The problem with this is that the nation is opposed to the idea and that if the Communazis actually did this, the Supreme Court rulings would be ignored, possibly violently.

The last year has been bad. Very bad. Even under the dark days of failed President James Earl Carter, what’s been happening in the last year is far worse. With the coming midterm elections, with the probable blowout of the Progressives, look for things to get even worse. Inflation is increasing. Gas prices are expected to hit an average of $4 or more, and the Biden Maladministration is trying to force people out of their cars and either into overpriced electric cars or public transportation.

The Progressive’s Socialist wish list laughingly referred to as “Build Back Better” has been blocked for now, but the hard left progressives known as “The Squad” are demanding that Dementia Joe Biden ignore congress and just institute everything by Executive Order. Considering that The Idiot has already signed more EO’s in the last year than the combined total of the last 4 presidents, and you can see why they think this could work. It won’t of course and will be yet another thing that blows up in that incompetent, senile moron’s face.

If I seem rather cynical, it’s with good reason. I fully expect things to go from the really bad we’re suffering from now, to Gawd Awful Worse by the end of 2022. The Democrats are desperate to hold on to power, and will stop at literally nothing to keep it. I wouldn’t be at all surprised of Dementia Joe decided, or was told to by his handlers, to lock the country down again in September/October to handle the “Zeta variant” of the coronavirus. (This one will probably give you a mild case of the sniffles for 12 hours), This would be used to once again stuff the ballot boxes with unsecured mail in ballots.

Happy New Year everyone. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, if they ever do.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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