The media knows how to fix inflation. Impose Wage & Price controls

Good day all. Most people today are experiencing horrific inflation for the first time. I may be dating myself a bit, however I remember, barely, how bad it was in the 70’s. It’s now reaching those levels again, and yes, you should be worried about it.

During the Nixon Administration, they came up with the idea to basically do what the Communist countries were doing. Impose wage and price controls. Basically, the government would tell you how much you were permitted to pay an employee, and how much you could charge for your products and services. It, not unexpectedly, utterly failed. Instead of learning from that failure, there are many, both in Academia, (No real surprise there), and in the Mostly Stupid Media, (Again, no surprise) who think we should go that route again. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

While President Biden continues to deal with economic issues like inflation and supply-chain chaos, many mainstream media outlets have an unorthodox suggestion to help everyday Americans.

Last week, the Washington Post spoke with several economists who listed their ideas on how to solve the economic issues facing the nation. One idea listed for the White House to “combat inflation” was price controls. The ideas was suggested by the Roosevelt Institute’s Todd Tucker, in which he argued that the time may be at hand to “destigmatize” concerns over price controls.

“To ensure that the wealthy do not bid up prices for essential items, the time is now to begin destigmatizing greater democratic control over price levels,” Tucker concluded. 

The Washington Compost column is paywalled, however I found it on the Internet Archive. Reading through the archived column, it’s obvious that most of the “Economists” they spoke with are over-educated idiots with no real grasp of how things work in the real world. For them, it’s all theory. One thought that doing what FDR did in World War Two, where the Federal Government basically instituted a command economy would work.

There are a few issues with that idiots idea. First, we were in a fight for our very existence and we needed to do whatever it took to win the war. Second, our manufacturing sector was massive. We were able to produce everything the military needed inside the borders of the United States. Those days are gone. One of the issues we now have is that critical raw materials aren’t produced in the United States these days. Not because they don’t exist, but due to idiots actively preventing their production.

Energy, Jobs, Politics

Another issue is that the very tools we need to make things aren’t made in the United States, or are made at low rates of production. We also don’t have the trained blue collar workers we used to have who could make stuff. (Progressives turn up their noses at people who work with their hands)

Finally we have Todd Tucker’s truly idiotic idea. He’s the one who said “Wage & Price Controls” were the way things should be done. He quoted a piece in the Guardian written by another Marxist moonbat, Isabella Weber. She is an assistant professor of economics at Umass Animal Amherst. In her column she also said that we should do what FDR did. (Never mind that FDR was just as much of a Fascist as Mussolini).

She to, misses the fact that we were in a war for our very survival. Looking at her resume, (Which she posted on her Umass page), she doesn’t appear to be old enough to remember what it was like under Nixon, Ford and Carter. Also, she has never worked a day in the private sector. It appears she has either been a professional student or an academic. In other words, a complete waste of valuable oxygen. Returning to the Fox News article:

In December of last year, The Guardian published an article by Isabella Weber, an assistant professor of economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, that read “We have a powerful weapon to fight inflation: price controls. It’s time we consider it.”

“We need a systematic consideration of strategic price controls as a tool in the broader policy response to the enormous macroeconomic challenges instead of pretending there is no alternative beyond wait-and-see or austerity,” Weber wrote.

The Fox Article goes on to quote a number of other magazines and online sites, including this gem from the Fake News Network, aka CNN by Charles Riley:

People are paying a lot more for food, gas, cars and services, and inflation isn’t over yet as the pandemic continues to distort the economy. So should governments consider setting the price of essential goods?

It’s been done before, typically during times of crisis, but for most mainstream economists, the answer to this question is a resounding “no.” Limiting how much companies can charge will distort markets, they argue, causing shortages and exacerbating supply chain problems while only temporarily reducing inflation.

One of the things these moonbats don’t even mention is the rise of “Black Markets.” Basically, people going outside of the “Approved” supply chains to get what they want or need. You only need to look at the abject failure of Prohibition in the United States to see this. When I was but a “Wee bairn” I recall the gas shortages and my parents having to wait in line on certain days to get just a few gallons of gas.

We lived in a rural area at the time, and my father had to drive a fair distance to get to work each day. (He was in banking back then) There was no option to “Work from home” back then. As I recall, farms went to the head of the line when it came to getting gas for their farms. My father, along with others, made a deal with the local farmers to buy extra gas from them. Yes, it cost more then at the gas station, but it was available whenever he needed a fill up.

Was this illegal? Oh Hell yes, it was. It was also almost impossible to stop. Eventually, they gave up on the controls, but it wasn’t until the election of the Greatest President of the 20th Century, Ronald Reagan, that a stake was driven through the heart of the regulatory state and the economy took off.

There are a few very simple, easy to use tools to put an end to Inflation. First and foremost, STOP SPENDING MONEY YOU DON’T HAVE!!! The major cause of inflation is the out of control spending by the Maladministration and the useless idiots in Congress. (Yes, I am damning both sides of the aisle) Second, start shutting down all these regulatory agencies who’s sole reason to exist is to make life difficult for the Average American. The Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, made a serious dent in this, but, thanks to the Deep State, the Chamber of Commerce and the Globalist Uniparty Elites, he was prevented from really crushing the life out of the various agencies.

When President* Bumbles Dementia was installed by the Deep State, he promptly began undoing everything that gave us the massive economic increase we saw under President Trump. The results were easily predicted. The economy is going south and the moonbats are ready to try failed ideas again because, “They weren’t done correctly the last time. There is a word for this. That word is “Insanity.” (This is usually attributed to Albert Einstein)

Excessive inflation rates are expected to continue into 2022. White House advisors have not suggested price controls as a means to relieve everyday Americans, though time will tell if Biden considers any “unorthodox” methods.

He will do whatever his handlers tell him to do. Of course, he has a long history of doing the wrong thing, so if he does come up with an “Unorthodox method,” if we do the opposite, it might actually work. If the midterm elections do blow out the Democratic Communazis, we might be able to at least slow the collapse long enough to put either President Trump back in or another Republican that he trusts can Make America Great Again, and who will curb stomp whoever needs to be stomped in Washington.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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