House Progressive want Biden to end all oil production in the U.S.

Good day all. One of the problems today is high gas prices. This is due to the maladministration of President Bumbles Dementia Biden blocking oil companies from drilling and building additional pipelines.

Energy, Jobs, Politics

This has led to the United States, which, under the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, from being a net energy exporter to a net energy importer in less then a year. It’s also made most of American rather angry at Dementia Joe and the Progressive Liberal Democrats. Now you would think that they would reconsider their plan to destroy the oil industry. You would be mistaken. Here are the details from Fox News:

Progressive Democrats in the House of Representatives are reportedly planning to publicly urge President Biden to ban oil drilling on federal lands amid record gas prices and a war in Ukraine that has disrupted oil markets.

According to a report from Politico,  the Congressional Progressive Caucus is planning to demand that Biden use his executive power to declare climate change an emergency and ban drilling on federal lands.

“Progressive Caucus member @JaredHuffman told me calling on Biden to declare a climate emergency is one of the ‘centerpiece’ actions to headline their EO plan,” Politico reporter Joshua Siegel tweeted Tuesday. “A draft of the plan I saw also calls for Biden to ban oil/gas drilling on public lands and end fossil fuel subsidies.”

Well, what can I say? By their very words and actions, the Democrat Party has demonstrated that they are fine with completely wrecking the United States. The oath they swore to uphold and defend the Constitution? It means nothing to them. The fact that they want the meat puppet in the oval office, Dementia Joe Biden, to rule by decree pretty much says it all.

Siegel added that House Democrats will also call on Biden to manufacture more heat pumps to “ease the strain in oil and gas markets that has been caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine.” Some of those heat pumps would be donated to Europe, according to the House Progressives’ plan.

And who is going to be paying for those heat pumps? I’ll give you three guesses, but you’ll only need one and a mirror.

The reported move drew immediate criticism on social media with many pointing out that gas prices have surged to record levels prompting Republicans to call for increased drilling to ease pain at the pump, not less. 

“Dems want $10 gas,” Republican Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted.

Senator Cruz is incorrect. The Democrats want all fossil fuels gone today. They flat out do not care how many people are hurt or even killed as long as the “Church of Global Warming and Climate Change” rules. As for the rule of law and the Constitution? Wave bye bye to it if they actually try and implement this by Executive Order. (And Biden will sign anything they put in front of him as we saw in the early days of the maladministration)

The use of a “climate emergency” also raises constitutional concerns, as the nation eases out of emergency COVID restrictions imposed two years ago by governors and local authorities, which shut down businesses and destroyed millions of jobs nationwide.

Those restrictions flat out violated the Constitution, and court actions are currently underway to see to it that it doesn’t happen again. Interestingly, it’s the Democrats that are refusing to end the restrictions and are still trying to force people into subservience to the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazi Ruling Elite. (Does that sound like a good conspiracy theory? I’ve been working on a few) Meanwhile, as usual, President* Bumbles Dementia refuses to try and correct the problem he caused or even accept responsibility.

The Biden administration has faced intense criticism in recent weeks for refusing to commit to increasing oil production in the United States as gas prices have surged roughly $1.50 per gallon since he took off in a crisis that has been exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“It’s going to go up,” Biden told a reporter when asked about gas prices last week. “Can’t do much right now. Russia is responsible.”

Nice Try Bumbles, but prices started climbing as soon as you were installed into office and started murdering the energy sector. You can blame Putin, but the seeds for this were sown a year ago when you killed the KeystoneXL Pipeline and started shutting down oil exploration and production on federal lands by executive fiat.

November is shaping up to be a flat out massacre for the Democrat Party at all levels of government, thanks to a number of issues. Crime is a major one of course, but the costs of gas and heating, along with the Bidenflation now closing in on 10%, people are hurting. They remember that under the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, things were a lot better.

Granted the Fauci Bioweapon triggered an economic downturn, but it was already starting to come back when the tainted election happened. As soon as Dementia Joe was sworn in, he violated his oath of office and signed hundreds of Executive Orders, many of them already declared unconstitutional. The fact that the Progressives want to go even further worries me. They either are living in a bubble and are blind to what’s coming, or they don’t care. It’s the “Don’t care” part that I’m concerned with. They might be planing to try rigging the midterm elections. Hopefully, it’s the Y rays beaming down from the secret Clinton spy satellites that’s causing me to see things that aren’t there.

We shall see of course. If Dementia Joe were to actually try this, I can see a lot of states deciding that enough is enough and flat out taking the federal land away from Washington and issuing the drilling permits and licenses locally. That’s a real can of worms that doesn’t need to be opened, thank you very much. The best thing we can do is vote all these Progressive Totalitarian Communists out of office in November.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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